Forestry BAG109

Learn to manage forests for timber production, natural woodland, plantations, farm forestry and urban forestry. 


Course Content

Nine lessons as follows:

  1. Scope and Nature of Forestry. Concepts and Fundamentals 
  2. Timber and Forest Products
  3. Harvesting
  4. Milling and Processing 
  5. Plantation and Forestry Management
  6. Conservation and Restoration Forestry 
  7. Agroforestry
  8. Urban Forestry
  9. Project: Planning a Commercial Timber Production

Forests have an obvious economic value in the wood they produce, but their value goes well beyond just that.

  • Their roots binding soil particles together.
  • Trees reduce wind and decrease the ability of wind to dislodge and move soil particles.
  • They reduce soil erosion
  • Improved air quality
  • Lower water tables - trees help lower water tables reducing water logging of surface soils and salinity problems.
  • Trees provide shelter for people and animals - protection against extreme temperatures, rain and sun, or hail and snow.
  • Timber - this could be in commercial plantations (your own home-grown superannuation!), or for your own use (e.g. for fence posts and rails). This can significantly reduce the need for remnant forests to be logged.
  • Pulpwood - some fast-growing trees are being extensively planted to produce pulp for paper production. In the right conditions, a well-chosen species can reach harvestable size in 30 years or less, unlike species grown for timber, which may take 70-80 years or more before being ready for harvest.
  • Firewood - both for your own use, or as a commercial crop. This also reduces the reliance on remnant forests.
  • Aesthetics - improving the visual appearance of a landscape.
  • Fodder – often animals (wildlife or stock) will graze on trees in the natural environment  
  • Honey production – this is major agricultural industry. The flowers of many plants, including trees, are excellent sources of nectar for honey
  • Wildlife habitat – it is not difficult to recognise trees as habitats for birds, animals and insect species. Depending on your region, the diverse wildlife inhabiting trees is too great to list here. 
  • Firebreaks – often gaps are left in plantations to slow or stop the progress of a wildfire or bushfire. Firebreaks are often call fuel breaks, fire roads, or fire lines. Such openings also serve as the logging roads or access roads through the plantation, woodlot, or forest.  Using trees as firebreaks is also possible as some plants are fire resistant (less likely to catch fire): plants with thick bark, dense crowns, watery leaves and best selected for firebreak planting. 
Who should do this course?

Anyone working in:

  • Forest industries
  • Land Managers in urban or rural areas
  • Farmers, Gardeners, Horticulturists
  • Environmental scientists, conservation professionals


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Fee Information (S2)
Prices in Australian Dollars

PlanAust. PriceOverseas Price
A 1 x $741.95  1 x $674.50
B 2 x $397.10  2 x $361.00

Note: Australian prices include GST. 

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