Remote Work Management BBS210

Plan, Prepare and Manage a Remote and Fragmented Workforce

Whether working from home, while travelling, when attending events, or on off site projects; remote work can be a challenge. When the remote workforce is well managed and motivated, productivity typically goes up; but without good practices, a remote workforce may just as easily perform poorly and that poor performance can go unnoticed.

Who is this course for?

  • Managers and supervisors who need to improve their ability to manage remote work.
  • Contractors and self employed individuals who need to learn how to work more efficiently from home.
  • Employees who seek to develop their professional skills to be more effective and attractive remote workers for their employers.


Course Structure:

There are eight lessons in this course:

  1. Nature of Remote Work 
  2. Challenges and Benefits of Doing Business Remotely 
  3. Comparative Practices - Working in different industries
  4. Communicating Remotely and Technologies Used
  5. Managing & Supporting Staff Remotely 
  6. Remote Delivery of Goods & Services 
  7. Planning and Organising Online Events 
  8. Project – Developing a plan for Remote Working

Course Duration - 100 hours

Lesson Aims

  • Explain the challenges and advantages of remote working.
  • Define remote work and its prevalence in the modern world.
  • Compare and discuss remote work practices in different industries and contexts.
  • Explain how to communicate well remotely and review technologies used in working remotely.
  • Explain how to manage and support remote staff effectively.
  • Explain how goods and services can be supplied remotely.
  • Define types of online events and how to run them.
  • Develop a plan for remote working.

Why it is Important

Although not a new concept, remote work has become more commonplace and there are different ways it can be applied across workplaces in different goods and service industries.

Sometimes referred to as telecommuting, working remotely has been part of some people’s jobs for years, particularly for freelancers and people involved in certain types of writing (e.g. correspondence journalism) and clerical work. As technology has evolved, however, so too has remote work, with the internet and email allowing staff to access resources from offsite locations. The Covid-19 pandemic of the early 21st century forced many businesses to insist on large swathes of their workforce spending a considerable amount of their working hours conducting work from home. For some, this transition was relatively straightforward; for others it posed a significant challenge.

Many workforces were not set up to cope with the difficulties of working remotely, and many employees did not have suitable working environments at home and lacked necessary equipment for longer periods of remote work. 


Reasons to Study this Course

  • Learn to establish systems to better manage work which is happening remotely
  • Control staff and contractors doing your work remotely
  • Innovate, diversify, and train staff to expand your business without the need of any significant extra infrastructure costs.
  • Achieve greater consistency among a fragmented workforce.


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Fee Information (S2)
Prices in Australian Dollars

PlanAust. PriceOverseas Price
A 1 x $741.95  1 x $674.50
B 2 x $397.10  2 x $361.00

Note: Australian prices include GST. 

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