Roses BHT231

Learn to Grow Roses

as a commercial cut flower, or nursery crop or to harvest for oils, and other uses.


Number of Assignments 8
Duration (approx) 100 hours


There are eight lessons as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Culture
  3. Propagation
  4. Hybrid Teas and Floribundas
  5. Old world, species and lesser known varieties.
  6. Climbers, Miniatures, Standards & Weepers
  7. Making the Best Use of these Plants
  8. Growing A Commercial Rose Crop


  • Distinguish between characteristic plant features in order to identify different types of roses.
  • Determine cultural practices for growing roses in different situations.
  • Perform all operations associated with pruning roses.
  • Distinguish between the culture of different types of roses, including hybrid teas, floribundas and species rose groups.
  • Plan the establishment of a rose garden.
  • Plan the production of a commercial rose crop.


You will learn a wide variety of things, through a combination of reading, interacting with tutors, undertaking research and practical tasks, and watching videos. Here are just some of the things you will be doing:

  • Distinguish between the morphology of different groups of roses.
  • Compile a resource collection of thirty contacts to assist with identification of roses.
  • Prepare a collection of 32 photographs or illustrations of rose varieties.
  • determine how to grow roses in your locality, detailing:
    • soil preparation
    • planting
    • fertilising
    • staking
    • watering in
  • Describe how to propagate roses, using various techniques including:
    • Grafting
    • Budding
    • Layering
    • Seed
  • Identify the pests and diseases afflicting rose plants.
  • Differentiate between the culture and use in the garden of different types of roses, including:
    • climbers
    • miniatures
    • standards
    • bush roses
  • Differentiate between the culture of roses in a greenhouse, and in the open ground.
  • Distinguish between the pruning of climbing, ramblers, bush, miniature and standard roses,
  • Compare the culture and application of Hybrid Teas, Floribundas and Polyanthas in a garden or nursery visited by you.
  • Determine appropriate rose varieties to be included in a proposed rose garden, in accordance with given
  • Prepare a plan for a rose garden including:
    • Scale drawings
    • Plant lists
    • A materials list
    • Cost estimates.
  • Develop criteria for selecting rose varieties to grow as a commercial crop, for a specified purpose.
  • Evaluate rose flowers offered for sale.
  • Determine factors which are critical to the production of various rose products, such as:
    • Cut flower roses
    • Rose hip syrup
    • Rose oil
    • Dried rose petals
    • Nursery stock roses.




The most wonderful thing about roses is that they flower heavily; and for long periods, some flower heavily only in spring, others can flower almost all year round. This makes them most useful for adding colour to a garden. Like most plants, roses look best when massed (ie. the more you plant together, the better they look). If you want the best effect from roses, think carefully about the colours you use. Consider the background to where the roses will be planted. If the backdrop is a dark wall or dark foliage; you need light coloured flowers for optimum contrast. If the backdrop is a white wall, there is not much point planting white flowering roses. Consider also the contrasts of colours close to each other and how vibrant warm colours make an are appear warmer and cosier, cooler colours give a softer, more delicate, more spaceous appearance ‘en masse’


Roses are grown as cut flowers both in the open ground, and in greenhouses.
Some cut flower rose farms grow the plants hydroponically, and others in soil. The varieties chosen for growing in commercial greenhouses are specific varieties that suit these growing conditions and meet the consumer market specifications for cut flowers and floristry work


Some forms of roses are used specifically for the edible market because they have higher qualify oils, more nutritious levels of Vitamin C in the hips  and/or stronger oils in the flower petals.  The climatic conditions the plants are growing in too will make a difference to these levels. Rose based foods are considered to be highly nutritional. Rose hips provide high levels of vitamin C and Vitamin E., as well as being a medicinal cure for a number of ailments. Rose oil is used to cool a hot inflammation, rose water is used to cool and refresh the weak and faint spirits, and to soothe sore red eyes. 
A decoction of red roses made with white wine is very good for a headache and pain in the eyes, ears, throat and gums.
Rose Hips have been said (in various places) to have the following medicinal properties:
Anti inflammatory
Anti oxidant

While most sources claim rose to be a very safe medicinal product, some negative affects have occasionally been mentioned, including:
Asthma caused by breathing in dried, powdered rose hips
Headaches, heartburn, nausea or insomnia

Despite occasional references to negative reactions to rose hips; most authorities consider rose hips to be very safe to eat. (Consider: Some people have bad reactions to sugar, flour, dairy products, and other common foods. Roses are probably no more of a problem than any of these; affecting only some people).

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