Rose Growing BHT31

Explore Your Passion for Roses

  • Start a business, expand your hobby, get a job
  • For amateurs or professionals

Roses are most commonly grown as a landscape plant, or for cut flowers; but they can be used for other things as well.

  • Parts of a rose are edible- rose hips are used in jams, jellies and as a rich course of vitamin C.
  • Parts of a rose are scented- used for perfumes, oils, rose water for cooking, petals flavouring for cakes, desserts, drinks and as a colourful garnish/ decoration.
  • Parts of a rose have medicinal properties-rose oil for skin complaints, source of vitamin C, relaxing calmative oil for infusions and massage


There are eight lessons as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Culture
  3. Propagation
  4. Hybrid Teas & Floribundas
  5. Old world, species and lesser known varieties.
  6. Climbers, Miniatures, Standards & Weepers
  7. Making the Best Use of these Plants
  8. Growing A Commercial Rose Crop


  • Distinguish between characteristic plant features in order to identify different types of roses.
  • Determine cultural practices for growing roses in different situations.
  • Perform all operations associated with pruning roses.
  • Distinguish between the culture of different types of roses, including hybrid teas, floribundas and species rose groups.
  • Plan the establishment of a rose garden.
  • Plan the production of a commercial rose crop.


You will learn a wide variety of things, through a combination of reading, interacting with tutors, undertaking research and practical tasks, and watching videos. Here are just some of the things you will be doing:

  • Distinguish between the morphology of different groups of roses.
  • Compile a resource collection of thirty contacts to assist with identification of roses.
  • Prepare a collection of 32 photographs or illustrations of rose varieties.
  • determine how to grow roses in your locality, detailing:
    • soil preparation
    • planting
    • fertilising
    • staking
    • watering in
  • Describe how to propagate roses, using various techniques including:
    • Grafting
    • Budding
    • Layering
    • Seed
  • Identify the pests and diseases afflicting rose plants.
  • Differentiate between the culture and use in the garden of different types of roses, including:
    • climbers
    • miniatures
    • standards
    • bush roses
  • Differentiate between the culture of roses in a greenhouse, and in the open ground.
  • Distinguish between the pruning of climbing, ramblers, bush, miniature and standard roses,
  • Compare the culture and application of Hybrid Teas, Floribundas and Polyanthas in a garden or nursery visited by you.
  • Determine appropriate rose varieties to be included in a proposed rose garden, in accordance with given
  • Prepare a plan for a rose garden including:
    • Scale drawings
    • Plant lists
    • A materials list
    • Cost estimates.
  • Develop criteria for selecting rose varieties to grow as a commercial crop, for a specified purpose.
  • Evaluate rose flowers offered for sale.
  • Determine factors which are critical to the production of various rose products, such as:
    • Cut flower roses
    • Rose hip syrup
    • Rose oil
    • Dried rose petals
    • Nursery stock roses.


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Fee Information (S3)
Prices in Australian Dollars

PlanAust. PriceOverseas Price
A 1 x $794.20  1 x $722.00
B 2 x $428.45  2 x $389.50

Note: Australian prices include GST. 

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