Why do Students Drop Out of a Course?
When students are engaged in university (or college) life; and developing real relationships through their studies; the likelihood of continuing and being successful at study will increase.
Sadly this does not appear to be the case for many students at universities.
"A high number of students who drop out of university could have been convinced otherwise"
Students feel they are being treated like a number rather than a person; and are not even being asked why they want to drop out!
"(They) told us nobody had even asked why they were leaving and nobody tried to make them stay"
"Students often get courted to enrol, and once they do, the level of engagement drops off completely"
Reported in the Australian Higher Education Supplement: Oct 8, 2014
Online learning can actually be More Engaging!
Often people choose to attend a physical college or uni, rather than do an online course, because they feel it will be more engaging, and they will have more opportunities to communicate with real people in real life. This report would suggest that this is not necessarily the case. Here at ACS Distance Education, we give a high priority to engaging with students. It may not be face to face, but there are many other ways to interact and engage.via email and chat over the internet; on the phone, or through interacting with tutors in assignment work. We have weekly newsletters, and a swathe of other services that students can utilize.
We often hear from students and graduates that they felt more engaged when they studied with us on line, than they ever did attending a course in a classroom.
When you engage online, you are normally in a one to one communication and have the full attention of the academic or administration officer you are dealing with. When you engage in a uni lecture hall with 300 other students present, you can easily get lost in the crowd and feel ignored.