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Foods, Healthier eating, Human Nutrition

Avoiding Toxins at home

By ACS Distance Education on January 9, 2023 in Animals, Environmental Issues, Food, Health, Herbs & Science | comments

From a scientific point of view, a toxin is a very specific type of poison, one which is produced via living cells. For instance, a poison produced by a spider would be considered a toxin. A manmade poison, on the other hand, would not be considered a toxin.

In the modern world, most people think of toxins in a more general sense, simply as substances which are poisonous to humans and/or animals. They refer to poisons which are produced by living cells as bio toxins or natural toxins.


Starting Your Career in Nutrition

By ACS Distance Education on November 27, 2022 in Careers, Food & Jobs Success | comments

You CAN work in Food & Nutrition without having to do years of study. As with any job, the best career path is one that involves small steps.  Start with a short course and a lower level job. Build your knowledge and experience and advance to higher positions. If you are inspired and continue to keep learning, there's nothing stopping you eventually working to the pinnacle of your industry.  In actual fact, the better nutritional scientists are often the ones who take this more considered, step by step approach.


Comfort Food is a Real Thing

By ACS Distance Education on February 12, 2018 in Food & Psychology | comments

Food can really comfort a person suffering from Grief.

A Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Herbert states that food can be restorative, once the initial pain of losing someone is overcome.  "Food is a connective aspect in our lives and they would have probably shared many experiences that would have involved the preparation, shopping for or sharing of food and taste experiences - this can lead to memories which can be triggered in a positive or negative way", she explains.


Simple Solutions to Nutrition are Dangerous

By ACS Distance Education on July 22, 2016 in Food & Health | comments

Depending upon our diet, genetics, lifestyle and possibly other factors; we all absorb nutrients into our bodies and end up with a very different nutritional status to everyone else.

Each of us has blood flowing through our veins with a cocktail of nutrients that varies to the cocktail flowing through the next person.

If you want to improve the cocktail of nutrients in any one individual, you need to understand everything that is unique about that person -what is and is not in their blood; and what is not right in that mix.



The Moringa or drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera) is often called the “miracle” tree, as many parts of this prolific plant (leaves, seeds, pods, flowers and roots) are all edible and nutritious and the tree is easily grown in warm climates.  The seed pods are long (up to ~30 cm) and thin with tapered ends, hence the name “drumsticks”.  The pods have a delicious taste, somewhat like mild asparagus, and are cooked in a similar ways to green beans.  They are especially delicious cooked with lentils (see picture above and recipe below), vegetable curries or mince (for non-vegetarians), enhancing the flavour of the whole dish. When young, the pods can be eaten whole, but when older the outside skin becomes a bit woody, so they are best cut into short pieces prior to cooking.  The insides can then be eaten after cooking—like artichoke leaves—scraping out the delicious soft insides with one’s teeth (discard the outer parts)!   The inside flesh can also be scraped out from the pods and then cooked with onion, garlic and spices for a delicious vegetarian dish which is eaten with rice. The leaves are small and are cooked in a similar way to spinach or kale (they taste similar to spinach), often best steamed or cooked with a little olive oil, onion and spices.