
What is Health and Wellbeing

By ACS Distance Education on April 30, 2022 in Health | comments

What is Health?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  There are three clearly identifiable aspects to health:

1. Psychological Health:

Healthy thoughts and attitudes. Our emotional health, which is sometimes referred to as emotional intelligence, plays an  enormous, and often unrealized, role in someone’s overall health and fitness state. If someone  is suffering from mental health difficulties, they may attend counsellng or psychotherapy to ‘unlock’ previous emotional turmoil and then actually use their past  emotional trauma in order to grow and develop their emotional intelligence, thereby improving their overall emotional health.

2. Structural Health:

The health of the body is structurally sound ‑ the bones, muscles, organs etc. are physically in good condition and not damaged – performing the functions they should perform. Structural or physical health may be determined by considering someone’s height/weight ratio, their body mass index (BMI), their resting heart rate and recover time after exercise. Note – the lower the resting heart rate, the healthier the heart is as this indicates the strength of the heart muscle is in good condition for pumping blood around the body.

3. Chemical Health:

The chemicals in our body need to be correct, and with minimal or no toxic chemicals. Body tissue is comprised of an appropriate balance of chemicals. Chemicals, both naturally occurring and man-made, will find their way into the human body. We may inhale them, swallow them, or in some cases, absorb them through skin. Often the body is able to breakdown chemicals or excrete them, thus reducing the accumulation of chemicals and the often harmful consequences of ‘toxic overload’. Human health is affected depending on the frequency and/or duration of exposure, patterns of exposure and of course the properties of the chemicals themselves. Some chemicals damage or kill cells and tissues, whereas others, may affect genetic material (DNA) directly, altering it and causing cancer as a result.


  • Some people are more susceptible to health issues than others. Some people have physical or mental susceptibilities that others don't have; for example:
  • One person may be intolerant to gluten or sugar, while others are not.
  • One person may need more sleep than others
  • One person may suffer allergies to certain plants; which others do not.
  • We all need to recognise the differences that exist between us, This may, for example, mean:

When one member of a work team or family is sensitive to a particular perfume (or other scent); others in the group may need to avoid that fragrance in order to sustain good health in the one.
If one person in a family needs to modify their diet for health reasons; it may be dangerous for others in the family to modify to the same diet, if they do not have the same health issues.

Here's some interesting facts you possibly did not know:

Flossing your teeth can improve your health. It has been scientifically researched and proven that by reducing plaque on teeth surfaces; you can improve your health. The bacteria which form plaque give off harmful gases when they respire which are damaging to your health.

The more you smile, the longer you live.  Smiling and laughing releases endorphins into the bloodstream which are chemicals which have an analgesia effect, helping you relax... and of course we should all know by now, stress has negative effects on the body, often leading to disease, which in turn may cause death.   This is a cycle avoided by letting go and having fun!

We all know stopping smoking is good for you, but did you know that nicotine lasts in the bloodstream for only three days. After that your apparent physical addiction is in your mind - ingrained by habits. Change your behaviour and improve your health.

From the age of thirty, humans begin to shrink in size. Consider diet and nutrition to slow down this process and stay structurally strong throughout your years into old age.

Humans produce a little more than 2 litres of sweat on average each day.  This volume of lost water emphasizes our need to stay hydrated for health and vitality.  We should drink between 2-3 litres of water each day just to replace what we lose.


Exercise is more important in the modern world than ever; but often exercise is not fully or properly understood. 
The body has many different muscles; some are big and others are tiny. All of these muscles need to remain strong and in balance in order to hold the bodies structure in place. When some muscles remain strong, and others become weak; parts of the body can be pulled into positions that are not natural. As a result bones and tissues can become badly aligned; and this often results in the need for visits to a chiropractor, physiotherapist or osteopath. In extreme cases, it may result in the need for surgery.
Proper and balanced regular exercise throughout life is critical for not only aerobic fitness, but also to maintain a properly functioning set of bones and muscles.  Your exercise should be diverse; measured, and include strength training and stretching as much as anything else.


There are many avenues available to achieve a healthy state and they all work interdependently. 

All begin with raising your awareness and understanding. Knowing the human body and what it needs provides a foundation for seeing what is possible. Knowing the techniques and treatments to employ in improving health can then be applied. The response to health issues must always be appropriate to the condition and the peculiar characteristics of the individual concerned.

Many people live in ignorance of their health needs? 

Learning more about your personal health, or the needs of the people you love, means raising awareness of your own condition and living a balanced life where all three aspects of health are nourished and cared for.  By just recognising this fact you are on your way to making the right decisions to do something positive about your health.  This is the key to sustaining good health throughout life.  

Opportunities to work in health industries exist all around us - and that is far more than just as a doctor or nurse. Practitioners and support staff as well as manufacturers and retailers, educators and writers - all offer wonderful career and business possibilities in health industries.