
What will Change in 2016

By ACS Distance Education on December 31, 2015 in Built Environment & Health | comments

Change has become the norm, in every corner of our world.

Over the past decade, the speed of change has increased, every year; and there's nothing to suggest that situation will be any different in 2016.

Change can bring both opportunity, and instability.

A rapidly changing world is harder to control, but also offers greater opportunities for those who embrace the situation.

What this is driving change; and where might the world take us across 2016?

What's Driving Change?

Technology is advancing at a staggering pace. Here are just some of what's been happening:

  • Driverless cars have been developed - at least two companies are set to be making and selling them throughout 2016, and more to follow
  • Microchips are becoming smaller and more powerful. Thirty years ago, we were using computers with less memory than can be fitted on a pinhead sized chip today.
  • Medical advancements are almost unbelievable. Revolutionary breakthroughs are happening everywhere leading to better treatments to improved diagnosis and illness prevention
  • Battery technology is advancing rapidly; and it is likely that the cost of storing energy generated by solar, wind or other renewables, will decrease rapidly. The world will potentially reach a point where it may be cheaper to generate and store energy through solar, than through fossil fuels; negating the need to argue for cuts to the fossil fuel industry.
  • Robotics is advancing rapidly. There is a distinct possibility that more and more jobs will be done by robots.

Economics is changing- the type of activity that fueled economic growth over recent decades, is not driving economic growth in the same way today. Australia's mining boom is over. China's building boom may be over too. High unemployment has become more than a temporary condition in Spain, Greece and other countries. Economists are predicting a future world where unemployment levels of 30, 40 or 50% may be the norm; but where productivity and wealth may be still growing. In short, it is likely that less people may be needed to produce more wealth. This presents social challenges we have not faced in the past.

Politics is changing - most countries are recognising the need to cooperate increasingly on the big issues, even with other countries they don't always agree with​. More countries are becoming wealthier and politically more influential. The world of the 20th century was dominated by western powers, but today things are not as simple.

Environmental change is here. There may be increasingly positive responses but the likelihood is that climate will continue to change and biodiversity will continue to decline; which means people will need to minimize those changes, and/or adapt better. 

Change is Inevitable

Change has always been inevitable; and man has always adapted; but what is different today is the rate of change.

With an increased rate of change; there is a need for an increased rate of adaptation. Adaptation requires innovation and all sorts of actions - that creates business, sosial and political opportunities.
Over the coming year; make it your goal to better understand what is changing, and seize opportunities accordingly.